Sunday, February 13, 2011

From Maastricht to Minnesota...the Trip Home.

Well, as I'm still in the blogging mindset, thought I'd start in on this next post. I was the first of my group of friends to fly home, so it was bittersweet to say goodbye, as they all had more time to spend together. A few were staying a few more weeks - to take the next, smaller block of classes - while the majority were flying home within a few days of each other.

I spent the rest of the day (after the walking/pictures around the city) packing as best I could and starting to say my good-byes. The next morning, I had to be checked out by early afternoon, as that was my designated 'time' with the front desk. I was TRYING to get everything to fit into my BIG suitcase, my smaller carry-on suitcase (that I was checking this time around) and my backpack (which was my carry-on.) Even with having an extra carrying item, it was still tight. I didn't feel like I even bought that much while over there. Finally, with my roommate's help, I got my side of the room all clean and all of my items either packed, or tossed in the trash. I had to make quite a few trips out there to throw things away, between papers and random things I had sitting around my room. Sadly, even my books had to get thrown. Used bookstores wouldn't take them back, and they were too big and heavy to bring home. Melinda kept them though, in case their was a place that would take them, and hers. No idea if anyone ever did!

I had arranged for a taxi to come get me and all my suitcases, so I camped out in front of the building with my friends to wait (see right). They ALL came out and laid with me in the sunshine as I waited (REALLY nice of them!). My taxi was slightly late, which really gave me a little bit of stress (imagine that), but he did arrive. After plenty of hugs good-bye and promises to stay in touch, I climbed in and was off to the train station.

I grabbed all my gear once we got there, and wandered off to check for my train and platform. I didn't struggle AS badly as when I arrived in Maastricht, but still, hauling two rolling suitcases isn't an easy feat. As soon as I knew which platform I needed to go to, I found a bench to camp out on. The train rolled in, right on time, and I hauled my crap on board. There weren't many people heading to Brussels at that time of day, apparently, so I had room to put my suitcases right next to my seat and relax.

The train ride was about an hour and half total, with one quick switch in Brussels. That one required me to haul my suitcases down a large amount of stairs, and then back up them to catch the shuttle-train to the airport. THAT was a workout, let me tell you. Once I got on that train, I was happy!

I got to the airport only a short time later and found a great spot to sit. For awhile. For over 12 hours! I haven't mentioned yet, that I had to get the airport the DAY BEFORE my my flight was early enough in the morning that the trains weren't yet running from Maastricht to Brussels. So I got to camp out, by myself, all night. BUT - I bought Internet access! I blogged during that time (I believe it was one of the Italy posts), watched a movie or two online, did a fair amount of facebook chatting and Skyping. It was perfect really, as when it got to be the wee hours of the morning, a bunch of my friends were online - as it was early in the evening for them. It kept me awake and made the time pass quickly. I even was able to view Greg graduate! Dad was sending me constant emails of the graduation ceremony (which I was missing by only a DAY!) and even a video of Greg walking across the stage! He sent it within minutes of Greg actually receiving his diploma, so it almost felt like watching it live. Pretty neat that technology can make something happening across to world, available to me, within minutes!

I also spent the majority of the night in the airport Starbucks - open 24 hours. This was AWESOME - as I really needed the bright lights, the caffeine, and the plug-in! When it got to be around 6 AM, I found my way to the check-in counter and GLADLY let them take my luggage. I got myself over to the gate to await boarding. Once I got on that plane it was a wonderful sigh of relief, yet a sad feeling. I couldn't believe I was leaving, it didn't seem like I had ALREADY been there for over 4 months. I spent the flight relaxing, watching the in-flight movie and attempting to sleep (it didn't work). 9 hours or so later, we landed in Newark!

I had a short layover, about an hour and a half and was able to Skype my parents while I hung out. Before I knew it, I was back on a plane for the VERY short flight to Minneapolis. I was BEYOND excited to land and exit the plane. And man, was I booking it through the airport! I walked down the stairs to the baggage claim and there they were! Saw Dad first, and then Mom...then saw Greg...and then DOUG! I had NO idea that Doug was coming and it was a wonderful surprise! We exchanged hugs and comments about the flight while we awaited my luggage (see left). The boys got the suitcases (which was so very lovely) and just as we were about to head out, I spotted a neon pink sign. It was my friend Chelsea! She came and had even made me a Welcome Home sign! It was wonderful to see her, especially as I was driving from the airport (with all the fam) directly to Madison. (My internship started two days later, and I had to move into my apartment!)

Out at the car, we did a little gift exchange. Mom and Dad had already received gifts in the mail from me, for their respective birthdays. But, the boys hadn't seen theirs yet! For Doug I had got a great stein in Germany and for Greg, an old map from Italy! The boys were both excited (or so they said) about their particular piece of Europe and we did a little photo shoot to commemorate. Greg even had a surprise for me! He had sketched, beautifully, the picture of me on the bridge! (Photos of all of this, below.)

The next 10 hours were a complete blast. We ate at BW3's on the way to Madison - which I had REALLY missed and then we all stayed up late at the hotel in Madison. We hung out in the pool until the wee hours until we all finally hit the sack. At this point, I had been awake over 36 hours - which I do believe is a personal record.

The next day we got me moved in, with only a few little hiccups.

Overall, that adventure home was a long one - but lots of fun moments. Whether it was Starbucks at 3:30 AM, or walking down the stairs to see ALL my fam at the airport or the delicious B-Dubs or the late night at the hotel. It was a wonderful end to an outstanding semester.

Next will be the (hopefully highly anticipated) FINAL, Europe Top List. I don't know how long it will be, five, ten...we'll have to see. But - I am excited to write it. So, stay tuned!

Final Day in Maastricht: Through Pictures - Fun Spots Around Maastricht

So the FUN route we took, instead of going to the library, starts off at this neat little spot.

If you walk around this little building you can walk up on top of the fortification walls! It's a neat view of the city. See below for shots of going up, on top and looking out.

Enjoying my little treat, at the top!

A look down one of the city streets from the top.

Once we climbed back down from the fortifications, we were at the back of the library!

One of the many little parks around Maastricht. Note the street sign in the background.

One of many BIG churches around Maastricht.

Flowers were outside everyone's home, in gardens or in pots. Spring was enjoyed by all, truly!

We happened upon this place as we walked around. Pretty isn't it?

Lots of outdoor seating to enjoy, all over the shopping/eating areas of Maastricht.

One of the many shopping streets.

Bart! Home of the most DELICIOUS pastries. Ever. Especially the exploding pastry, which I had to have one last time. (See below.)

Filled inside with goodness, this pastry is unbelievable. I miss it terribly.

The Maas river.

Does the location look familiar? Back on our first day exploring Maastricht, I took a picture in just about the same spot. (Reposted below for those that don't remember.)

Back to that day in June though - MUCH different weather than the January day above.

Maastricht train station! Spent quite a lot of time coming and going through this building. While there, I got my train ticket to the airport for the next day - when I'd be headed back to the U.S. of A!

This is in the Vrijthof Square...

Beautiful church we could see from the Vrijthof.

A perfect picture to end with. Dutch fries! We got them many a night, but the proper way, as I've previously mentioned, is with mayonnaise! I had never eaten fries the proper Dutch way, so today, we felt it was necessary! We sat outside, on the Vrijthof square, enjoying the sunshine and the last few hours of all being together. (Farzin wanted to get in this last picture, as you can see...)

The next post will document the loooonnngggg trip back home!

Final Day in Maastricht: Through Pictures - A Look at Maastricht University

Picking up where the last post stopped...through the glass doors is the main lobby and staircase...

Classes are up the stairs and the computer lab and printing is immediately to the left. Spent a LOT of time in there printing off both papers...and airline tickets!

Down this hallway, which is up those stairs and to the left, is one of the really neat lecture halls. Sadly we couldn't go in to take pictures, but the lecture hall looks like the inside of a small brick chapel. Real neat.

This is right at the top of those stairs. During the middle of school days, it's jam packed with students drinking coffee, chatting and studying.

This is straight ahead...where the food is! It also leads to other areas of school. Confusingly, certain floors are accessible by only certain staircases. Makes for an interesting first day!

This was one of my favorite stops! This cafe sold coffee, little muffins (see below!) and other tasty treats. It's all paid for on our UM card, which we had to load cash on to beforehand. To pay with straight cash was more expensive.

These marvelous muffins were only a euro each! My favorite snack to get through 2 hour-long classes.

This is the best photo I could get of the 'Mensa' or cafeteria. They were closed at this point in time, but when open, they have all sorts of hot and cold food available, drinks (which you can see in this picture) and of course, desserts. I only ate there a few times, as it was pretty spendy. The cold pasta salads were my go-to though, very fulfilling and delicious!

This window looks out on the courtyard that's smack in the middle of the building. When this tree was in blossom, it was simply stunning. HUGE magnolia flowers which caught my attention every time I'd pass the window.

Had to show this particular staircase. Neat eh? Sadly though, this was the way to get to my least favorite class...the dreaded accounting.

Back out in the courtyard, this is looking back at the main entrance...AND all the bikes! This is a hazardous place to walk sometimes, with both cars and bikes coming and going constantly. But neat picture that needed to be shared. Then, if in the particular spot, you turn 180 degrees... can walk to the library by heading down this direction. This parking lot is significantly sloped, so walking back up is a workout.

Past that parking lot is this building - the Music building! I enjoyed walking past it as different instruments and voices could be heard clearly at all times of the day as students practiced. And if you followed the brick road around to the left, the library awaits. But today...we took a FUN new route...check out the next post!

Final Day in Maastricht: Through Pictures - Walk to School

I thought it would be fun to describe some of my favorite places in Maastricht, as well as my normal route to University, through pictures. I'll do each in their own post, as with all the pictures it would be SUPER long to include them all in one.

Below is the route I would take each day to school, it may not seem like much to you all, but each little bend in the path, road to cross, store I'd pass or tree-lined street brings back fond memories. The pictures below start at the Guesthouse and finish outside of school. That route takes between 12 and 18 minutes, depending on your speed. :)

This is the front of the Guesthouse, which as you can see takes a bit of a walk to get to from our entrance. This side is the Hospital side, which shares the building with the Guesthouse. This large blue cylinder in front was something we all wondered about. It reminded me of "the blue shampoo" which only my family will understand. :)

The roundabout!

Carolyn and Farzin were my walking pals...

Lots of interesting little shops line the right, and typically small European cars on the left.

Interesting parking signs, eh?

Now...up ahead we turn to the right...

Up ahead on the left you can see Aldi - our good friend.

This part was always nice - lots of trees and usually people out walking around - either at the park which is on the right currently, or to Aldi.

This is where we can choose two routes - I usually go straight across this particular street, but some continue down the street towards the right. Both get you to school. My route is nicer though. :)

After crossing the street...

...we turn down this street to the right...

...which is lined with houses like these!

Then turn to the left...and up ahead back to the right...

And way up there...through the school!

Ta da!

The entrance to school...

Through those doors is the courtyard.

Welcome to school!