Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Roma Tomatoes

Okay, you caught me. This post is not about tomatoes. But I hope it got your attention! Especially considering I haven't written in an obscene amount of time. Fail. Fail. FAIL! I know. To be completely honest, I didn't think anyone would want to read this after I got back. I have been informed that is not so, and that I must finish my blogging. So - parentals - this blog is dedicated to you! (They have been harassing me to write since I returned. Over a month ago.)

We were in Rome for three days - the most time we spent in any one city, I do believe. So, I'll go at this a day at a time, and add on as I get a chance. Here we go!

ROME. DAY ONE. This was the place, out of every place in Europe, that I wanted to see and experience the most. Perhaps it's my slight obsession with food. (Okay, a LOT of it might be my obsession with food.) Perhaps it's my slight obsession with art. Perhaps it's knowing that Greg would have killed to be going instead of me. (He gets to go in college - don't worry people.) No idea what the exact reason - but I was PUMPED to be heading to Rome as we left Venice. We had a train ride that wasn't too horribly long - and we had plenty of daylight left to explore once we got there. The boys were in a separate hostel (Ben and Ryan - Canada, in case you forgot) and Carolyn and I were split up in ours. Theresia was coming to meet up with us, and we both were hoping she'd end up in our respective rooms. Guess who's she was in!?! MINE. Yes, yes, Italy was off to a fabulous start. :)

We decided to meet up with the boys at the train station after we'd checked in to our hostels - which was conveniently right in the middle. Carolyn and I grabbed our first Roman food while we waited - pizza! (See above right). And yes, it was better than American pizza. I know you were thinking it!

We decided to go to the Colosseum first - as it was the closest to our hostel. I couldn't believe it when we turned the corner and it was just looming in the distance. The freaking Colosseum! WHAT?!?! So cool. So unbelievably cool. We decided to get the guided tour, and we walked around inside, snapping photos everywhere we looked, until the tour started. We learned about the history of the place, how it got it's name, about the true and not so true things people think about gladiators, and all the while just absorbed the history of the place through our pores. We took pictures on the ground level, and the upper level - the only two levels you were able to walk on. The floor was open and you could see the tunnels and rooms below the floor where the gladiators and animals were before and after their matches. It felt so neat to be in a place that has so much history and mythology surrounding it. You could also see the Palatino Hills from the upper level in the Colosseum - a great view for pictures.

Post-tour, we waited up for Theresia - as she had finally made it to the hostel and was going to meet up with us there. It was great to see her and be one big travel family of five! (Photo on the right was the first of the FULL group). We decided to see as much of Rome as we could that night, and walked in the direction of Carolyn's favorite, the Vittoria Emmanuele. I don't exactly know it's history, but it's much newer than the majority of Roman architectural wonders. It's beautiful to look at, but I prefer the ancient, falling-apart things. :)

Gelato was next on the agenda. Very important part of the day! OBVIOUSLY. One can never have too much gelato. Or pastries. Or pizza. Or pasta. I think we know why I liked Rome. It was a fancy schmancy chocolate gelato this time (see left), which was delicious and dangerous considering my choice of shirt color that day. I'm happy to announce I made it with no stains! :) (This is rare. For any Vose family member. This moment should be celebrated: "the time is now, the time is near, it's time to do a silent cheer.....RAHHHHHHH")

We walked down past many expensive clothing stores, licking our gelato, trying to follow the twisted roads all over our map. Doesn't that sound great?!? It was...eating and exploring at the same time. The next destination was what I was looking forward to the most - the Trevi Fountain!!! It's a fountain I learned about for the first time back in the Lizzie McGuire days (Don't judge, I was thirteen and watched the Disney Channel. At least we know I learned something!). It's supposedly lucky - toss one coin in over your shoulder and you'll have a safe journey home. Two - you'll fall in love in Rome. The second option seemed too inconvenient and expensive, ha, so one coin for me! Funny story to follow in the Top Ten about me at the Trevi fountain. I know you're excited to hear about it. (See right)

The Pantheon was close by, so that was next on our agenda. Sadly though, it was closed for the day, so we decided we'd have to come back. We did take a few photos though - it's amazing how this humongous structure is just sitting in the middle of the city (See left for BIG building and small Betsy). That's what is so great about Rome - around every corner is a new surprise, something that seems out of place yet fits in with what you picture Rome looking like. I LOVED IT! Ready for the Pantheon experience the next day, we pressed on to the Piazza Navona.

To my fellow Angels and Demons lovers - this the place of Bernini's Fountain of Four Rivers (see right) representing the fourth pillar of science: water. Read the book or watch the movie - it'll all make sense. :) Everyone was starting to crave some pasta at this point. We would eat anywhere that looked affordable. This wasn't hard to accomplish, as there are restaurants on almost every street, all advertising their pasta specials. They key is not give in to the first place that smells like heaven - but walk onwards a bit to a place that smells just as good, with prices that are a bit easier on the wallet. I ordered fettuccine in marinara that night - basic, but it was delicious. Over our food and wine that night we hashed out our places to see the next day. After paying our bill we wandered back to Piazza Navona to look at the art that was for sale. The whole place was covered with people selling and displaying their paintings. It was all lit up with the fountain flowing in the middle - such a relaxing place to 'window' shop. I was very tempted to buy something, but wasn't sure if any were actually real or if they were worth the price. If we would have come back on one of the next two days, I think I would have given in though. Such a sucker for that kind of stuff. :)

We had quite a hike home, as we had walked quite a ways across Rome throughout the afternoon. We were tired, full, and over-stimulated with the sights and smells of Rome. My favorite part of the walk back was seeing the Trevi fountain at night. So beautiful and still packed with people. What a perfect day it was!

***Stay tuned for Day 2 of Roma! :) Coming soon to a computer screen near you!

1 comment:

  1. Bets-Beautiful photos and comments are so "Betsy". I am a proud mama knowing you did not spill chocolate on your white shirt...'tis a moment in time! Can't wait to read and see more Roma! Love, Mom
