Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Successful Errands!

Today I had a lot I wanted to accomplish, as I didn't get as much done yesterday. I wanted to go back to the grocery store and purchase more food (this time I brought my backpack! DAH HA!) and I needed to get a cell phone that would work with my free SIM card. The SIM card is what makes the phone work, and then all you do is put 10 euros worth of minutes on at a time. They call this, "topping up". I have yet to figure out exactly how to 'top up' but will ask my friends here who already have phones. It's so nice to know that I have a phone on me as I'm walking around. :) I also had to get my photo taken for my resident visa card. I found the little photo shop, and they directed me to the photo-taking area. I was in and out in about 5 minutes. Nice!

So after my success with the phone and photo, I felt I deserved a little treat before heading to the grocery store. I stopped at a little bakery across the street from the Guesthouse. I asked what they recommend and the girl who helped said I HAD to try this particular pastry. It was DELICIOUS!!! It was a flaky puffed pastry crust that was covered entirely on the outside with cream, which had also been covered in little nuts. On the top was meringue with sprinkles. Inside was a different cream surrounding fruit! And the fruit was not what you'd expect, it was a large purple grape, a large green grape, banana slices, an orange slice and a slice of melon. OH MAN! So good. SOO good. I may become a regular customer! I've included a picture above so you can see it!

So - off to the grocery store. I still couldn't figure out how to weigh the veggies and fruits, the little weighing computer was all in Dutch, so I figured I'll wait and go with my friends later this week and we can all figure it out together. I bought more bread, some Brie cheese, some meat that looked like ground beef (I guess we'll see when I cook it later!), more noodles and spaghetti sauce, some yogurt, some milk (though I'm not sure what kind of milk it is, so I got a little one to taste test it out), cereal, more applesauce and some spices. Should be good for the next few days! The grocery store is attached to a mall, so today I wandered around more than I did yesterday. I found a store that sells candles - so I bought some to make my room a little more cozy. (A trick I learned from my new Finnish friends!) I then found a store where I could buy pens and paper - as up until now I haven't had anything to write with!!! I also got some towels to use in the kitchen area. And then - I headed home. SUCCESS!!!

I've heard my top ten fun facts went over well last time, so here's a new one:

1) If you don't like clowns, Carnaval is NOT for you! It's in about two weeks, and all the shops decorate with pictures of clowns. It's a celebration of fools, so clowns are the go-to picture I guess. Everywhere are clowns dancing, singing, jumping, pointing at you...I don't mind clowns, but was getting mildly weirded out.

2) In January you may wonder why Holland stores are selling Halloween costumes. They're not for Halloween, but for Carnaval! Everyone dresses up, in costume, with feather boas, with beads, with face paint, with ANYTHING apparently.

3) If you can pay with coins, DO! There are $1 and $2 coins, and whenever possible, the shop clerks will ask if you have coins. I'll have to get quicker at pulling them out and sorting through them.

4) When you get your picture taken for an official document, in Holland you don't smile. I sat for my Visa picture, and smiled (like normal) and was told, 'close your mouth.' (I was thinking, what the heck?!?! Fine!!) And then was told, 'you can smile a little, but no teeth.' How boring.

5) Holland does not believe in sheets. You have the bottom sheet that goes around the mattress, and then a duvet. There is no middle sheet. Trust me - I've looked.

6) At night - the goal of these bars is to get as many students in them as possible. For instance, at the pub we were at last night - Tequila shots were 1 euro. Students love their discounts! As soon as we walked in, you could tell the international students were taking advantage of that special.

7) Holland doesn't think males and females should have their own shower rooms. We all share one room - though each shower stall firmly locks and you can't see into them. Still - that was a little strange.

8) Escalators in the mall are set at about a 30 degree angle and are flat. This way, you can push your cart up and down the escalators. Way cool. I may push around a cart just for the fun of using it on the escalators.

9) When you see a shop labeled Brasserie, no Mom - it's not for bras, but for eating. It's a little restaurant.

10) When you say, ' have to go to the bathroom', here they say, 'I have to go the toilet'. I prefer our way, but hey, maybe my verbage will change.

That's all for now! I'm going to cook something up for dinner now...not sure what, as I actually have CHOICES of food in my kitchen now. How exciting! I have posted pictures on facebook, for those who are a part of that, and will post more pictures on an online photo site soon so the non-facebookers can see. Once I do that - I'll make sure to provide the link so you can see pictures.

Tot ziens


  1. Funny, funny...I can actually picture you explaining all these things to people. I LOL with several of your ten items. Glad you are adventuring out and enjoying the food...sounds yummy...especially with a cup of java!
    Talk later!
    Love, Mom

  2. Betsy Boo!!! I Love reading about your adventures!! So Happy you made it there safely and are already enjoying your new home and surroundings. Love Bajean

  3. Sounds like fun! Especially the 1 euro shots of tescrilla. That could be a recipe for a very short night!

    I'm a little disappointed you haven't gotten yourself into any trouble yet. A night in the slammer would really jazz up the blog!

    I am interested in what your class discussions are like ... I'm sure with kids from all over the world, there will be angles/opinions that are quite different.

    Thinking of you!

    -Doug & Laura

  4. Boo-

    Do me a favor and drop one of those pastry thingies in the looks pretty tasty. ;-)

    Love, Dad

  5. Hi Bets!

    I love reading about your adventures! You're going to be so glad that you documented everything - it would be so easy to forget all the little things as time goes by.

    Have fun!
    Love, Nat Nan
